TOP111 adalah This is a game that is endless because it will get victory continuously and will not feel the defeat once with all these games being all the games that are in great demand by the players who want profit when the players play in this online game which is definitely a big profit easily.
My love/hate relationship with skirts
How is everyone doing after yesterday? Nursing your junk food hangover? That’s me right now. I don’t even watch football, Chris doesn’t really either. He likes football, and he probably would watch it if I didn’t keep him busy with a million other things. The kids now living in the south have adopted football as their only love. I mean really, you should see these kids at recess, it’s a…
The plague came in, took us all out, and then graciously released us back into the world! We had about three different things happening in this house since Monday night. Monday I had my first chemo treatment on just one fancy little drug, and it all went great. And truly I have no idea how I handled the treatment because Monday night I had full blown flu symptoms. And Pierce…
A weekend with my BFFs
Well, hello Monday! I was looking forward to this day because I received my first round of Herceptin! Basically I went from four chemo drugs down to one. This is the one I will be on for the rest of the year, and the reason I am excited is because it is a meek little kitten in comparison to the beast of a chemo cocktail I was on. The nurses,…
Being Positive
One of the more frequently asked questions I get is, how do you stay so positive? I guess I should start by saying that I was not exactly the most positive thinker prior to a breast cancer diagnosis. I would always be the first one to point out the negative in a situation. The glass was definitely half empty. I am a fun upbeat person, and by no means was…
It’s no secret that I like to shop…who doesn’t? Well, if we are talking about grocery shopping, then I hate it! But looking through new arrivals on various sites is my kind of my hobby. My style basically changes with my mood. I love mixing highs and lows, and choose to invest more in my shoes and handbags (and select other pieces that I know I will get a lot…